

Landmark College的第三任校长. 琳达J. Katz, Ph值.D.在她17年的任期内,指导了学院的成熟.

Dr. 琳达J. Katz, Ph值.D. 1994年至2011年担任地标学院第三任校长Dr. Lynda Katz于1994年被任命为Landmark College的第三任校长, 在2011年6月退休之前,她在白宫工作了17年. 在来Landmark之前,Dr. Katz served as Program Director for Neuropsychological and Rehabilitation Services in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, 她在哪里教了25年书, 管理, 做了研究. Her presidency ushered in a period of dramatic change at a pivotal moment in the College's history. Her original vision statement from 1994 suggests just how dramatic this change would be:

"Landmark College will become increasingly recognized as the center of excellence for teaching, 研究, 以及学习障碍领域的培训. 首屈一指的, the name Landmark College will be recognized nationally and internationally as a resource for professionals in the field for persons with learning disabilities and their families, 作为高等教育的权威."

The specific goals she wrote up that year were these: an enrollment increase from 350 to 400 students; the creation of an endowment program; the establishment of a faculty rank and promotion system; an upgrade of faculty salaries; the addition of a first-class athletic facility and a student affairs complex; the enhanced use of technology and classroom implementation; an increase in student retention; national recognition of Landmark College; and finally, an increased recognition of Landmark College as a major contributor to the State of Vermont. 所有这些都实现了.


博士之一. Katz's first objectives involved the improvement and expansion of the existing campus facilities. 正如她指出的:“当我来的时候, 大多数人认为校园是一个非常狭窄的空间, 主要集中在行政大楼和学生宿舍. 几乎立即, 美术大楼翻修了, 是在我来之前买的. Then everything started to click in terms of a vision for a comprehensive campus that students would want not only to attend, 但也能从中获得学位."

斯特劳奇家庭学生中心的夜景美术大楼翻修后, the next large physical project involved an extensive renovation of the Student Center. 通过持续的筹款努力, as well as the overwhelming generosity of founding trustee Charles Strauch and his family, the new Strauch Family Student Center was opened to the Landmark Community in 1997. 目前, 它是学生事务处的所在地, 咨询及健康服务, 校园书店, 学生邮箱, 咖啡馆, 一个学生游戏室和几个会议室.  

在参加校园体育赛事时. 卡茨认识到,虽然它的设施, 一个被亲切地称为“泡泡”的充气圆顶,已经成为校园的一大特色, she also felt strongly that the Landmark Community deserved to have a true sports complex where the entire College community could participate in sports or cheer on the Land Sharks in relative physical comfort. Thus began a second fundraising project to bring the envisioned athletic center to life.  Click家庭体育中心

Click家庭体育中心于5月17日投入使用, 2001, 感谢许多人的慷慨解囊, 尤其是吉姆, 维姬, 以及校友克里斯·克里克. 该中心的开业恰逢那年春季毕业, 凯特夫妇出席了剪彩仪式, and to speak in front of what was the largest graduating class in College history. 以此来感谢他们的慷慨, Basketball Coach John Wood awarded the Clicks the game ball of the final championship game of the team's undefeated season. Click家庭体育中心有一个完整的健身房, 攀岩墙, 运动池, 还有健身房, 从黎明到黄昏,大学社区都在积极使用它.


2004年初, the Board of Trustees directed the College to proceed with three capital building projects, all which were completed by the 20th anniversary: a newly renovated East Academic Building, 扩建后的食堂, 和Bridges住宅.

东教学楼, 或俗称的EAB, 最后一批原来的校园教学楼要翻修吗. 翻新过程中使用了大量现有的建筑材料, 翻新, 翻新, 并充分利用可回收的材料, 包括利用科学实验室的旧桌子作为展示空间. It also incorporated a number of environmentally friendly building principles into its design and for this received designation from the state of Vermont as a "green" building. 它是教务处的所在地, 以及德雷克学术支持中心, 一些教室, 办公室, 还有一个多媒体礼堂.

The renovated dining facility allows for the anticipated growth of the student population to 500, and includes a large dining area especially suitable for gatherings or presentations, 以及一个小型私人餐厅,可容纳较小的团体.

主要资助 & 国家风险敞口

博士期间. Katz的任期, the College received three generous federal grants and a congressional award: a Title III Grant, 第七章补助金, 国家科学基金会资助, 以及国会颁发的辅助技术研究和推广奖.

在2000年,学院被评为1.75 million-dollar Title III grant which has made possible various forms of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, as well as allowing for extensive means of performance outcomes assessment by tracking students' progress and performance over time, and using that information to inform and modify the College's academic and residential life programs. 在过去的一年里,Landmark获得了美国教育部第七章的拨款.S. Department of Education which allowed Landmark to share its expertise in teaching students with learning disabilities and ADHD with other colleges in Vermont and across the country. While Vermont Senator James Jeffords authored the changes in the Higher Education Act that created that new program, 他认为. Katz as well: "Her expertise was invaluable in helping to author the legislation—the first specifically recognizing the needs of college students with learning disabilities."

林恩·谢伊(Lynne Shea)被任命为对外项目主任 Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训)和第七章的项目总监. 这笔拨款为全州的教育工作者开办了许多讲习班, 以及四本关于学习障碍和注意力缺陷多动症的手册, 论写作教学, 关于阅读和学习技巧, 以及内容领域的教学,这些都是由Landmark的教职员工撰写的. 也, in 2000, 该学院获得了425美元的奖金,000 National Science Foundation Grant to develop an Introduction to Biology curriculum based upon universal design; meaning the information taught would be accessible to all students regardless of learning style. 根据补助金, Landmark College science faculty and colleagues from nearby schools and colleges created a teaching manual titled 生物学的成功! 教不同的学习者:生物教育者的资源手册, intended to set the standard for the teaching of students with learning differences in the classroom.

改编自: 地标学院:第一个25年的简史
